Baptist Basics

The Baptist Union has published a series of booklets on DNA or the Basics of Being A Baptist. Sadly they are no longer available in print but can be downloaded from the Baptist Union Website in pdf format

Or the links are below. There’s a general introduction, plus 10 other booklets.

PRINT ALERT. If you want to print them out on A4 size paper the best approach is:[1] to download them as is[2] open them in your pdf reader, such as Adobe [other pdf readers are also available] [3] go to print[4] choose the following settings, if you want to print them out back to back, using the whole page and not using lots
expensive colour ink:
4.1 select Current page and go through 1 page at a time – printing the next page back to back
or choose either the odd or the even numbers NOT All
4.2 select Print greyscale [black and white] 4.3 select Fit for the size options
4.4 check you have A4 paper loaded
4.5 print your page[s] then choose the next page or the even/odd numbers depending on 4.1 [ but dont rush it, do a
test page to make sure you are printing the pages in the right order.
With apologies to all for whom such stuff is second nature.

BU final link